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WIC Program: Expand your market and don't miss out on any sale opportunity

We have talked many times about the benefits of having a Point of Sales System that helps you organize your business and, in addition, allows you to receive all kinds of payment methods so you can execute all sales and expand your market.

Many potential customers for your business belong to a large sector that is favored by state programs such as the SNAP Program, using EBT cards in specific products and the WIC Program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children ), Program of Supplemental Nutrition, for pregnant, lactating or postpartum women, babies and children at nutritional risk.

What is the WIC program?

The WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program is a federal food assistance program, administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in which monthly vouchers or electronic cards are provided to buy food. The population that benefits from this program are pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under five years of age who are at nutritional risk and who present health problems, such as anemia, low weight, and complex pregnancies. With these cards, beneficiaries can access specific food purchases such as baby formulas, infant cereals, milk, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. In addition to food assistance, the WIC program aims to improve the community's health, with services in health and social services programs, medical care, and breastfeeding education programs.

The policies to access the WIC Program depend on each state.

Read more about how to access WIC program benefits:

Do you want to create a sales strategy based on the WIC Program?

Next, we’ll provide some recommendations:

Point of Sale/POS System: Make sure you have a system that allows you to receive payments with WIC cards.

Find out which products are eligible for the program and make a list of foods and products that can be purchased with the WIC cards, so that they are available in your business and you can meet the demand.

Here is an idea of ​​some of those products:

• Milk, cheese, and yogurt

• Cereals (bread, pasta, brown rice, whole wheat, and corn tortillas)

• Peanut butter, string beans, eggs, and tofu

• Fruits and vegetables

• 100% fruit and vegetable juice

• Baby food (cereals, fruits, vegetables, and formula)

Good customer service: Keep your employees informed about state programs so they can provide guidance to customers and not lose sales due to ignorance. Make sure your customers feel welcome and well cared for.

External Promotion: Let your customers know your business is accepting EWIC card payments. You can use shelf talkers in your business and build relationships with local WIC agents in your area. Use your communication channels, such as the website and social networks, to promote information on this topic.

Offers focused on WIC Customers: Make promotions aimed at the products within the WIC program that may encourage your sales.

And you may wonder...

What does Universum have to do with the WIC Program?

If you have an Universum POS Point of Sale System, it is important that you know all the features that make it unique. With the new software update you will be able to receive transactions with the electronic cards of the WIC Program, purchasing process is just like that of a debit or credit card. If you are interested in knowing more and being updated on this topic, visit the following link and subscribe to the notifications to be alerted when it is available in your state:

Don't miss the opportunity to generate more sales!

Learn about this and other benefits of our processing services by contacting our sales agents at +1-978-416-9964 or visiting our web page:

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