We are committed to the planet.

At Universum, we stand for circular economy from its key principle, sustainability, through strategies that minimize environmental impact.
How do we accomplish this in our offices?
• We promote environmentally conscious habits in our employees.
• We’ve implemented the three R strategy (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) encouraging the use of reusable utensils in our offices and kitchen. All our collaborators have reusable mugs and bottles for their drinks to achieve our zero plastics goal.
• Minimizing the carbon footprint: Equipment is turned off when not in use and devices are connected only when necessary.
• When devices require replacement, parts in optimal conditions are reused. Those that have reached their useful life go to entities that oversee their correct recycling.
• We reduce the consumption of paper, digitizing the information of our processes, contracts and services.
• Devices provided to our clients are energy efficient; when not in use, they are in sleep mode, saving energy.
• Our printers are thermal and do not require one-use polluting cartridges.
Do you have any other ideas that we could implement? Leave your thoughts on our social networks and be part of the change by also implementing these tips in your business.
LinkedIn: Universum
Remember you can be part of our referral program and earn $100 per each client that acquires our services by your recommendation.

If you are interested in these features and more, or you have any doubts about the updates, get in touch with your sales agent or call us at +1-888-507-6614.

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