Many businesses need to increase their sales and thousands of business strategies are devised to achieve it, however, there is one that you might not be aware of that can allow you to connect with a market that is promising and ensure more sales.

Is your business already accepting WIC program cards?
If your answer is no, this is a great opportunity to further investigate the requirements to become a WIC Program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) provider.
Accepting this payment method has many advantages for businesses, the most notable of which is an exponential rise in sales. This is because your market expands as a result of meeting the needs of new customers who fall under the program's preferred demographic by providing them with particular goods that satisfy their nutritional needs.
WIC program provider benefits
In the United States, more than 7.5 million people benefit from the WIC program each month. Here’s a list of the most characteristic benefits for your business should you start accepting these cards for payment.
1. Businesses committed to society: Commercial establishments are positively differentiated as businesses committed to the health and well-being of the community. Strengthening the connection with your customers, generating visibility and preference among them.
2. Wider market: You have a greater variety of products to offer your customers.
3. More sales: You can attract and retain more customers through an intelligent strategy that allows you to boost sales by offering WIC Program products.
4. Alliances and relationships: Your business has more opportunities to generate alliances and better relationships with government entities.
How to apply to be an authorized WIC program provider?
Depending on the state in which you are located, there may be differences in the requirements to be selected as a WIC Program authorized provider.
If your business is in Massachusetts and you want to be part of the suppliers, there are several ways to apply.
How and where to do the application process?
You can make the official request in three ways: By completing a form on the internet (Here), by sending an email or by contacting the WIC Program office hotlines directly. It is important to understand that your business acquires a social responsibility by being a supplier.
Online Application: The commercial establishment must complete the online application to be a provider of the program. In the following link, you can access and read it carefully. Click here MA WIC Provider Portal. Make sure your business details are complete and correct. Because the data is provided via an application ID link, keep in mind that emails must be enabled.
Applying by Email: To apply by email, you must submit the completed application and all attachments described in the Provider Application Package Massachusetts WIC Provider Application Package (PDF) | (DOCX)
Application via phone lines: You should contact the MA WIC Retail Hotline at 1-800-552-9425 or by email at for more information.
Here is an Application Guide for WIC Program Retailers 🚀
What type of foods must you sell as a WIC program provider?
The WIC program has within its policies that providers must offer specific foods that help strengthen the health of pregnant and lactating women as well as children up to 5 years of age. One of the official rules is that businesses must keep product prices below the limits set by the nutrition program's price management system.
Examples of food that authorized establishments must provide:

1. WIC-approved infant formulas.
2. Foods such as Milk, fruits, vegetables, beans, meats, poultry, chili, and soups.
3. Cereals, bread, pasta, brown rice, whole wheat, and corn tortillas.
4. Peanut butter, string beans, eggs, and tofu.
5. Fruits and vegetables.
6. 100% fruit and vegetable juice.
Universum and the WIC Program
Remember that, with our Point of Sales System and as well as all our terminals, you can accept all types of payment: Cash, Debit Card, Credit, EBT Cards, and soon WIC cards.
Trust us! With our services, we help you increase your sales! If you want to know more about our benefits, contact our sales agents at +1-978-416-9964 o visit our web page:
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