Accepting EBT cards as a payment method can be very beneficial to your business. More than forty-two million people receive economic assistance from this government program, in the United States. This means they are a potential group you can target by marketing basic and essential goods.
Any retail store that doesn’t accept EBT cards just yet, must know that this is the best moment to start their application. Around 254,350 companies are authorized and actively participate in the SNAP program. Reimbursements are significantly up to 125,000 million dollars/year.

¿What’s an EBT card?
An EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer), is a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) financial help, organized by the Federal Government of the United States. It works as a debit card and it’s used by families that report low income to buy food and basic needs products, in different authorized groceries and stores.
Also, should be highlighted that besides enhancing your customer’s experience, your business will generate more clients and more profits.
How can my business apply to receive EBT cards as a payment method?
If you desire to implement the use of EBT cards as a payment method in your business, you can start the process through the “U.S. Department of Agriculture", or the USDA, website. In the Nutrition Services division, you will be able to register for free and obtain an electronic authentication account. Just likewise, you can apply to this process by phone at 877-823-4369. After sending the required documentation, the decision is notified in approximately 45 days.
SNAP stores must meet these criteria:
1) To have a basic food inventory, and specific quantities of perishables and non-perishables.
2)To have more than 50% of total gross retail sales from the sale of staple foods such as vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, bread and cereals.

Benefits of accepting EBT payments
Increase and improve sales: By accepting payments with EBT cards, your cash flow will improve and your business will be reaching a broader group of consumers.
Client’s loyalty: The client will find your business, in a way that otherwise they would not. This expands the customer database and gives brand visibility to your company.
Social Compromise: Your business provides the client with a trustworthy image, by demonstrating its commitment to the community and those with fewer resources.
Law enforcement: In some states, the government requires small businesses to accept EBT cards as part of their business license. By accepting EBT cards, the business complies with these regulations and avoids fines or penalties.
If you want more info on the subject, visit:
Snap program in Massachusetts
More than one million Massachusetts residents benefit from the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) SNAP Program.
Massachusetts laws
Every household member that is a SNAP recipient, has the right to be an EBT card holder.
Businesses or supermarkets must accept the EBT card even when another household member uses it. The PIN is what protects their benefits and is their electronic signature. As long as the correct PIN is inserted, the customer can use it.
Those who are benefited from SNAP cannot be treated differently from other customers and the business cannot designate separate payment lines for them.
The average benefit for food in a household is $215/month, for two (2) people in Massachusetts.
In addition to making purchases in stores, EBT card holders in Massachusetts can buy online. Next up, we will present the list of companies where you can use these cards to buy food.
Online purchases with EBT cards
Amazon, BJs, Daily Table, Geissler's Supermarket, Shaw's, Star Market, Stop & Shop y Walmart, así como ALDI, Big Y, Brothers Marketplace, Hannaford , McKinnon'sSupermarkets, Price Chopper, Price Rite Marketplace, Roche Bros., Stop & Shop, Sudbury Farms y Wegmans a través de Instacart.
Universum’s POS solution benefits
If your business is in the New England area and is authorized to receive EBT cards, at Universum we offer you an extra and up-to-date solution with our POS system. Among many features, you’ll have flexible payment options, stock info in real-time and even EBT client’s specific stock.
You read that right, our POS system has the advantage of specifying which items in stock are SNAP authorized and may be purchased by customers.
Don’t miss the opportunity to generate more sales, more than 40 million people are using EBT cards, these are potential customers that will help you strengthen your business strategies!
Learn about this and other benefits of our processing services by contacting our sales agents at +1-978-416-9964 or visiting our web page:
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